The Influence of
Recently, a lot of attention has
been paid to re-injury and return to sport following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) and the results continue to be less than exceptional. A
recent case series of elite collegiate athletes who suffered ACL injuries prior
to and during their college careers continually found difficulty returning to
sports participation (Kamath et al., 2014).
Of the 35 athletes who had undergone ACLR prior to enrollment in college, the
rate of re-operation on the involved limb was 51.4%, the rate of re-rupture of
the ACL graft was 17.4%, and contralateral ACL rupture was 20.0% within this
population of athletes. Similarly, those who underwent ACLR during college had
a 20.4% re-operation rate, 1.9% suffered re-rupture of the ACL graft, and 11.1%
of these athletes underwent ACLR on the contralateral limb. In agreement with
these findings, a prospective cohort study of 456 collegiate athletes conducted
by Rugg and colleagues
found that athletes entering college with a history of ACLR had a 892.9-fold
increase in knee surgery compared to those who entered college without
undergoing surgery. Unfortunately, these findings are not isolated to
collegiate athletes as professional (Busfield
et al., 2009) and high school athletes (McCullough
et al., 2012) alike have similar statistics. Considering
these numbers, it points to inadequate or premature return to athletic
participation, which may be because we are overlooking a very important aspect
of athletic competition.
First, lets look at what factors
have been shown to predispose these athletes to injury. Hewett
et al conducted a prospective
cohort study that identified factors that may put athletes at risk for initial
ACL injury. After screening 205 female collegiate athletes with a drop-jump
task, 9 athletes went on to suffer an ACL injury during the following season.
These 9 athletes had several important factors in common in comparison to those
who did not go on to suffer injury. Knee abduction angle at landing was 8°
greater, knee abduction moment was 2.5 times greater, and there was a 20%
higher ground reaction force in ACL–injured than in uninjured athletes. More
importantly, the authors determined that injury could be predicted in those
with an increased knee abduction moment (dynamic valgus) with 73% specificity
and 78% sensitivity.
Prior to return to sport, many
athletes will undergo functional testing (hop testing, Y-Balance Test, etc.),
but do these tests, done under optimal circumstances, tell the full story or
are we missing something?
Fatigue has been shown repeatedly
to have negative affects on lower extremity biomechanics. A systematic review
recently examined the literature pertaining to lower extremity biomechanics and
neuromuscular fatigue during single-leg landings (Santamaria
et al., 2010). After analyzing 8 studies and
141 total subjects, kinematic data revealed greater knee and hip flexion and
increased dorsiflexion post-fatigue. More importantly, following the
introduction of fatigue, there was no change in peak knee valgus angles.
However, as anticipated/practiced drop-landings are performed primarily in the
sagittal plane, these specific procedures may not be sufficient to determine
movement patterns during athletic competition. When an unanticipated
landing was used, the results were drastically different with a significant
increase in peak knee valgus angle post-fatigue compared to pre-fatigue. This
unanticipated landing would seem to represent the demands of athletic
competition more accurately and thus demonstrates an increased risk of injury
with neuromuscular fatigue. In agreement with these findings, Brazen
et al found no change in frontal
plane biomechanics during an anticipated drop-landing task after neuromuscular
fatigue, however they did find a higher anterior-posterior time to
stabilization (TTS) and vertical TTS, which once more increases the likelihood
of injury.
More specific to patients following
ACLR, Webster et al
conducted a study comparing the response to neuromuscular fatigue between
uninjured control subjects and athletes following ACLR. This study once again
utilized an anticipated drop-landing task with data collected pre and post
fatigue. Fatigue led to reduced flexion in the lower limb, increased hip and
knee abduction, increased knee rotation, and reduced knee joint moments. The
response to fatigue was similar with no significant differences between the
ACL-reconstructed limb and the control group as well as the reconstructed limb
and the contralateral limb. To further investigate the lower extremity
biomechanics of athletes following ACLR, the Lower Extremity Error Scoring
System (LESS) was developed. Padua
et al determined the LESS to be a valid
and reliable tool in assessing jump-landing biomechanics with good inter-rater
reliability (ICC= 0.84) and excellent intra-rater reliability (ICC= 0.91). This
evaluation tool involves counting the number of faulty movement patterns during
a jump-landing task with < 4 errors being an excellent score, ≤ 5 being
good, ≤ 6 being moderate, and > 6 being poor landing mechanics. When
evaluating the influence of fatigue on LESS scores, Gokeler et al
found significant differences between patients status-post ACLR and uninjured
control subjects. The initial median score pre-fatigue for ACLR patients was
6.5 (poor) and 7.0 following fatigue, whereas the uninjured control subjects
scored 2.5 (excellent) pre-fatigue and drastically increased to 6.0 (poor)
post-fatigue. This shows an obvious decline in movement quality following
fatigue, which may place both post-ACLR patients and uninjured controls at risk
for injury.
Fatigue is an often-neglected
aspect in the decision to return an athlete to sport or to assess an athlete's
initial risk for injury. This data should be used to further evolve our testing
procedures to account for these potentially injurious movement patterns
secondary to neuromuscular fatigue. Trent Nessler, DPT developed a fatigue
protocol and concomitant testing procedure for return to sport and injury risk
assessment purposes as part his Dynamic Movement Assessment. Albert
Einstein was quoted saying, “the definition of insanity is to continually do
the same thing over and over expecting a different result”. If we are to
improve these return to sport and re-injury numbers, fatigue cannot be
overlooked anymore and must be included in our clinical decision making
We are honored to have the following guest blog by John Snyder, PT, CSCS. Thank you John for your contribution to both our blog and profession.
John Snyder, PT, CSCS is a recent graduate student from the University of
Pittsburgh’s Doctor of Physical Therapy program. Since beginning his formal
physical therapy education, he has developed a great deal of interest in
sports, orthopedic, and the manual therapy aspects of the profession. Because
of these interests, he created and frequently contributes to Prior to beginning his physical therapy education, John
graduated from Youngstown State University with a bachelor's degree in Exercise
Science where he also played ice hockey for four years. John brings a unique perspective both from
his formal physical therapy education but also from his personal training
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