In our last series of articles we discussed the
rise (or perceived rise) in ACL injuries among NFL players. The vast number of ACL injuries has led to
knee injuries to be the leading concern among NFL football players over
concussions. Despite the impact of
concussions, more NFL players see knee injuries and especially ACL injuries as
a career ending injury. This is
understandable when you look at the research and see the impact that these
injuries have on not only future performance but also on future joint health. We suspect that these injuries are on the rise
in the NFL, but are they on the rise for the athletic population as a
whole? If they are, what does this mean
to future joint health & performance and what can we do about it.

If ACL injuries are on the rise, what is the
concern about future performance? In
talking with most strength or performance coaches, most will tell you an
athlete can return to sport within 8-12 months with minimal limitation, if any
at all. But is this accurate? What does the research tell us? In the 2014 preview paper in the American
Journal of Sports Medicine, Rugg
et al published a study that looked at impact that prior knee surgery had
on subsequent injury and surgery. In
this study, the authors looked at Division I athletes who participated in
college athletics from 2003 to 2008. During
the 5 years, 456 athletes participated in this study. Of these, 104 athletes had orthopedic surgery
to the knee with 48 having had knee surgery, 16 having had ACL reconstruction and
28 having had multiple surgeries.

Considering the previous years of research and
the current research, it is no wonder that these types of injuries are such a
concern for athletes. Considering, all
the research, what can be done, preventatively to reduce the risk? Considering this is the age of technology, isn’t
there a place for technology on the prevention side of these types of
injuries? Current studies are being done
to evaluate how technology may be used in sports. In a systematic review of research published
from 1990 to current, Dellaserra et al
found that technology is being used in 4 basic categories. These 4 categories are: a) quantifying
movement patterns, b) assessing the differences between demands of training and
competition, c) measuring physiological and metabolic responses and d) determining
a valid definition for velocity and sprint effort. All of these studies bring up some very interesting
points about limitations with the use of technology in sports that should be
considered. These limitations include:
scalability, cost & inability to receive signals within indoor environments.
But, what if there was a technology out there that
could not just assess motion but accurately assess an athlete’s risk based on
their biomechanics? What if it could provide
interventions to reduce that risk and was also scalable, affordable and did not
rely on indoor signals to function properly?
What if that same technology based biomechanical analysis could also be
used to improve athletic performance (individual and team) and save the team/university/organization
health care dollars? Is there technology
like that out there? There will be……Stay
About the author: Trent Nessler, PT, DPT, MPT.
Trent is a practicing physical therapist with 15 years in sports
medicine and orthopedics. He has a
bachelors in exercise physiology, masters in physical therapy and doctorate in
physical therapy with focus in biomechanics and motor learning. He is the founder/developer of the Dynamic Movement Assessment™, Fatigue Dynamic
Movement Assessment™ and author
of a textbook “Dynamic Movement
Assessment™: Prevent Injury and Enhance Performance”. Trent is also associate editor of the
International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training, Member of the USA Cheer
Safety Council.
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