Considering this question, we can look at the Tooleet al J Ortho Sports Phys Ther 2017 study to give us some
Hypothesis: The hypothesis for this study is that a
higher proportion of young athletes who meet the recommended cutoffs will
maintain the same level of sports participation over the year following return
to play clearance versus those who do not meet recommended cutoffs.
Methods: At the
time of RTPlay, the IKDC (international knee documentation committee subjective
knee evaluation form), quadriceps and hamstring limb symmetry index and single
leg hop tests (single hop for distance, triple hop for distance, crossover hop
for distance, and 6-meter timed hop) were assessed. Proportions of participants who met individual
and combined cutoffs were calculated.
Proportions of participants who continued at the same level of sports
participation over the year following return to sport clearance were compared
between groups.
Discussion: Obviously there are some interesting findings
in this study. The cutoff criteria for
all the LSI measures (strength and hop measures) was 90% or 10% deficit. This is interesting considering what previous
research has indicated regarding normative values for LSI. Rohman et al Am J Sports Med 2015
showed 93% of non-injured normal athletes had an LSI of 85% or better. So one question this raises is if this 90%
cutoff or 10% deficit is too high. That
said, those who met this criteria, 81.3% of them were still participating in sport
at the same level one year post return to play.
The results of this current study also showed that only when it came to
the individual tests, athletes had a higher pass rate but when evaluating
multiple tests that the pass rate was only 13.9%. One thing to consider with this is that all
of the hop tests were done in a specific sequence (single hop for distance,
triple hop for distance, crossover hop for distance, and 6-meter timed hop) and
one right after the other. Considering,
is this lower pass of meeting the criteria with all these test the result of
the athlete being fatigued? Does fatigue
have an impact on movement and results on these tests? Intuitively, we might think this to be the
case, but what does the research tell us.
Philosophically, I personally struggle with what do these
tests really tell us? Most of these
tests are scored visually or by some measure (distance or time). What do these measures tell us about the
biomechanical risk factors? Does the
fact that the athlete jumps the same distance bilaterally tell us that they do
this with good biomechanical form? For
example, this athlete may jump equal distance and may do it in the same time
bilaterally, but does this tell us she is doing this with good form? Let’s assume she is at 90% LSI, does this
mean that she is at a reduced risk of reinjury with RTPlay? I think we would all say no.
In addition, are these athletes that pass the tests really
passing? Do athletes figure out what we
are attempting to test and sand bag their results? Meaning, could they limit performance on the
non-involved side to make the involved side look better so they get a passing
score? Finally, what does the fact that
they have RTPlay really mean? Are they
sitting on the bench or are they “performing” at the same level as
previous? We have touched on this fact
in previous blogs. According to the Maiet al Am J Sport Med 2017, we know NFL players performance is
reduced up to 2 years “after” return to play.
So even though they are RTPlay, there is a reduction in all performance
measures for up to 2 years and their professional career is reduced by 2 years.
Although this is a great study, I think we raised more
questions than we may have actually answered.
So stay tuned next week as we continue to dive into this topic of LSI
and try to answer some of these questions.
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Dr. Nessler is a practicing physical therapist with over 20
years sports medicine clinical experience and a nationally recognized expert in
the area of athletic movement assessment and ACL injury
prevention. He is the founder | developer of the ViPerform AMI, the
ACL Play It Safe Program, Run Safe Program and author of a college textbook on
this subject. Trent has performed >5000 athletic movement assessments
in the US and abroad. He serves as the National Director of Sports
Innovation for Select Medical, is Vice Chairman of Medical Services
for USA Obstacle Racing and movement consultant for numerous colleges and
professional teams. Trent is also a competitive athlete and blue belt in
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
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