Unfortunately, despite all the literature
(>900 published papers on ACL in 2013) published on this injury and on the
mechanisms of non-contact ACL injuries, rates continue to rise. Why?
We feel this is partly due to the complexity of the issue and the
complexity of the solution. Unlike Ulnar
Collateral Ligament tears (UCL tears or Tommy John Surgery) seen in baseball, if
you see a rise in these among youth athletics, you can create policies that
impact injury rates. Simply developing
policies that limit certain types of throws which place stress on the UCL and by
limiting pitch counts, you can significantly impact injury rates. Both of these reduce the stress to the joint
and limits overuse injuries in baseball.
The impact to UCL injury rates is immediate and significant. Yet, with non-contact ACL injuries, it is not
that simple. You don’t have a certain
type of movement you can limit or a policy that can be passed that will prevent
the majority of these non-contact injuries.
With ACL injuries, it is a biomechanical issue related with movement and
change in direction and hence the complexity of the solution is more involved
and yet to be figured out. Why?

There also appears to be a disconnect from
what academically & clinically is felt to be success and what athletically
is felt is success post ACL injury. A
recent publication from the July 2013 issue of the British Journal of Sports
Medicine highlights this. In
this study, Lynch et al defined
successful outcome after ACL injury and reconstruction. In this study, the authors set out to
establish a consensus of measures that define successful outcomes 1 and 2 years
after ACL injury. In this study the
authors surveyed 1779 members of international sports medicine
associations. These members were all
health care professionals from various sports medicine associations including
the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, the European Society for
Sports Traumatology and the American Physical Therapy Association.
Consensus among the members was achieved for
six measures in operative and non-operative management of ACL patients. These include: the absence of giving way,
patient return to sports, quadriceps and hamstring strength greater than 90% of
the uninvolved, ≥ mild knee effusion and patient reported outcomes between
85-90%. Although this is a great start
and sounds great, it brings up a couple of questions.
· Patient self reported outcomes are great and
vital. But, some questions remain how
reliable are some in athletic populations.
The other challenge with this is that the outcome measure was not
consistent across all members, meaning that several different outcome measures
were used. With several different
outcome measures being used, all which assess differently and have varying
support in the literature, are we measuring the same thing and is this really
consensus? With ACLs, there is not one
consistent one used across the spectrum and therefore the comparisons are questionable.
· There is not one single test mentioned here
that tests in a closed kinetic chain. Open
kinetic chain testing is a poor representation of closed kinetic chain
function. The literature clearly states
that the best indicator of risk is frontal plane motion of the knee. Frontal plane motion is directly correlated
to adduction moment at the knee and hence indicator of stress to the ACL. Knowing this is the greatest risk factor and
that asymmetry when compared to the contralateral limb is further indication,
you would expect this to also be assessed.
Part of the challenge is there is not a way to accurately assess this
with a high degree of reliability, validity and sensitivity.
· Finally, we know only 43% of athletes return
to sport at the same level as prior. We
also know from Rugg
et al that if you are a college athlete and have had a prior ACL
injury, you are 19.6 fold increase risk of re-injury in sports. So, are the methods we are using to make
calls for return to sport correct?
Knowing that only 43% return to the same level, shouldn’t we do some
performance measures in making these calls?
At a minimum, shouldn’t we have a standardized way we make these return
to sport calls? Is it really a “successful
outcome” if they are returned to sport yet at only 60% of their prior level?
These are all legitimate questions and really highlight
the complexity of this issue. Throughout
the month of March, we will re-post some of our favorite ACL posts. Provocative posts designed to assist us in
asking the right questions and hopefully lead us to the right solutions. Also, please
see our video dedicated to the 1M athletes in the US who have ruptured their
ACL in the last 5 years.
About the author: Trent Nessler, PT, DPT, MPT. Trent is a practicing physical therapist with 15 years in sports medicine and orthopedics. He has a bachelors in exercise physiology, masters in physical therapy and doctorate in physical therapy with focus in biomechanics and motor learning. He is the founder/developer of the Dynamic Movement Assessment™, Fatigue Dynamic Movement Assessment™ and author of a textbook “Dynamic Movement Assessment™: Prevent Injury and Enhance Performance”. Trent is also associate editor of the International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training, Member of the USA Cheer Safety Council and
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