In our previous two
articles we talked about some common orthopedic injuries that occur with
running and how fatigue impacts running mechanics and what the implications of
that may be. This is all great
information but what does it mean?
Specifically, how does it impact how we assess a runner and how does it
guide our interventions? In this article
we will look at running assessments, specifically those performed on a
Over the course of the
last 10 years, there has been an explosion of running stores and providers
offering running assessments. All of
these assessments are done on a treadmill and are usually done with visual
observation and/or video capture. This
has been somewhat of a controversial issue in the field of biomechanics for
several reasons. First and most pressing
is it has been speculated that ground reaction forces that are encountered when
running on a treadmill are not the same as they would be in overground
running. Obviously there is an impact on
ground reaction forces with the change surface (ground vs. tread). Aside from that there is some question about
the impact on ground reaction forces with a surface moving toward you (tread)
vs. you moving toward the surface (overground).
This has lead to many providers using a Woodway treadmill. These treadmills are more expensive but the
tread is powered by the person running on it.
The thought process would be that this would negate the issue associated
with the change in way the ground reaction forces are applied.
Another controversy is
the change in kinematics with running on a treadmill vs. overground. With the current design of the majority of
the commercial treadmills, you have a plate at the front. This prevents the runner from achieving a
natural heel strike (for fear of hitting plate) which decreases overall stride
length. In taller individuals, this can
also have an impact on toe off (for fear of falling off the end of the
treadmill) and also negatively impact stride length. Changes in heel strike and toe off will
greatly impact both ground reaction forces and won’t provide the examiner with
a true picture of running form. There
are also some studies looking at running gait in soccer players. Soccer players tend to naturally be forefoot strikers
vs. heel strikers. However, if you assess
a soccer player on the field who is a forefoot striker, they will present as
heel striker during running on a treadmill.
However, a study by Riley
et al in 2007 showed that both ground reaction forces and kinematics were
not changed when comparing overground walking versus treadmill walking. From this, the authors concluded that
treadmill gait analysis was in fact a valid assessment. But, there are changes in stride length with
running, so is this truly a fair comparison if a treadmill is used to assess running
gait versus overground? In 2010, in the
Journal of Applied Biomechanics, Fellin et al
attempted to answer that question. In
their study, they showed similar results.
The authors showed few changes in ground reaction forces and kinematics
when comparing treadmill gait and overground ground reaction forces. That said, there is one major flaw with both
of these studies.
The treadmills used in
both of these studies are drastically different from the ones used in clinical settings. These are research based treadmills and not
commercial treadmills used in a clinical setting. One major difference is that these treadmills
are in ground treadmills and the length of the tread or running surface is much
longer than commercial treadmills.
Therefore the problem encountered with toe off would not be an issue on
these treadmills. These treadmills also
do not have railings or a front motor plate.
Since this is not there, runners are more likely to have a more natural
stride length than they would have on a commercial based treadmill. The impact that the commercial treadmill has
on both the front end of stride length (heel strike) and back end of stride
length (toe off) would not only greatly impact kinematics but may also have an
impact on ground reaction forces.
With the advent of
video technology, many providers offer gait assessments using video
technology. With advanced 2D technologies
such as Dartfish, it
has provided clinicians with an invaluable tool to assess human gait. In the hands of a skilled clinician, with
this type of technology it allows the clinician to slow down very fast and complex
movements to make a much better interpretation of these often missed complex
movements. This video analysis is not
only a key component of the overall assessment, but is also critical for the
patient to be able to visually see their movement. Doing so facilitates patient buy in and also
helps in the motor learning aspects that must occur to change the
movement. All that said, we must also
keep in mind that 2D does have it’s limitations. Although there have not been specific studies
comparing 2D technology to 3D technology, those using must be aware of the
limitations with. These fall into 4
general categories:
Angle measurements
– the gold standard for angle measurements is a goniometer and has a margin of
error of +/- 5 degrees. Accurate measurement
depends on the skill of the clinician as well as the ability to palpate bony
landmarks. Without palpating bony
landmarks, assessment of angles is based off visual only and is therefore much
less accurate. Margin of error has been
shown to be 10-15% when compared to biomechanics lab.
measurements – rotation would include pure rotation as well as movements that
have a component of rotation. This would
include supination, pronation, circumduction, and internal rotation to name a
few. Although some form of rotation may
be observed, measurement of using a 2D technology is not accurate.
– without a standardized protocol, any changes in movement may not be actual
improvements but rather the result of a variance in the test procedure. This can include anything from where the
camera is placed, to sequence of testing or the examiner who performs the
placement – camera placement is critical in assessing movement with 2D
technology. Especially when trying to
determine movement patterns simply not having the camera plumb, level or in
line with the patient will dramatically throw off any measurements that are
Running assessments provide invaluable information. When combined with 2D technology, it is
allows us to truly assess in a way which we have not been previously able
to. With that, we have to be aware of
the limitations of assessing an activity that typically occurs overground to assessing
it on a treadmill. We must also be
cognizant of the limitations that are encountered with 2D technology when used
to assess 3D motion. As an athlete, something’s
to consider when having a running assessment.
What is the
motivation of the assessment? Is it to
sell you a particular type of orthotic or shoe vs. determining a course of treatment?
How long
has the evaluator been doing the assessments?
Are they
using a commercial treadmill?
Do they
have a standardized protocol they use for the assessment? Not just the way the assessment is performed
but also where the camera is positioned, etc
How will
progress be measured? Is it by
measurements taken by 2D video or in combination with other tests/procedures?
In our final article, we will discuss movement
assessment and movement correctives geared to addressing some of the most
common deviations.
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