Squats and the Basics
Strength, endurance and co-contraction of the quadriceps and hamstrings are absolutely essential for maximal performance and injury prevention in movement for sports as well as the activities of daily living. The one exercise that has been “proven” in the research to not only aid in creating co-contraction between the quadriceps and hamstrings, but also to improve vertical jump is the squat.
Squats have been a highly controversial weightlifting method for a number of years. Health care professionals have often considered squats more harmful to the low back and knees than beneficial. Therefore squats have often been discouraged if not avoided completely despite the fact that they are so commonly used in most well developed exercise and sports performance exercise routines. Some of this controversy arose from the assumption that squats place large shear stresses at the knees as well as excessive loads on the lumbar spine.
This original misconception was created in the early 60s from a paper published by KK Kline in which he showed that squatters had inherently greater laxity in their medial and lateral collateral ligaments than non-squatters. This was measured by a non-validated device and resulted in KK Kline making the assumption that repetitive squatting with resistance led to greater laxity of the medial and lateral ligaments. Despite the fact that this original research has been debunked by decades of research since then, many orthopedist and those in musculoskeletal care still make the assumption (assumption since not based on the science) that squats are bad for your knees.
So, if that assumption is true, why are squats good for us? For one thing, there is a great deal of research in the last 10-20 years that clearly shows that the shear stresses at the knee and the excessive loads on the lumbar spine are actually lower than previously thought and mimic those forces people experience with daily activities. Weight training exercises can be divided into two broad categories: open kinetic chain and closed kinetic chain exercises, as discussed previously. Open kinetic chain exercises are used for isolation, in which the body part is not in contract with a surface. An example of this we used earlier is seated leg extension. Here the feet are not in contact with the floor and this exercise is used for isolation of the quadriceps. This is considered a less functional form of exercise because it is training the body to work in a fashion in which it does not normally work during daily activities or sports. During sports, the leg rarely has to extend itself against a weight in an open chain situation and therefore this type of exercise does not have a high carry over to sports.
The other type of exercise is considered closed kinetic chain when the body part is in contact with a stationary surface. The squat, as mentioned before, is an example of this type of exercise. Here we are training the body in the same ways it functions in the course of daily activity and in sports. During this exercise, the muscles of your legs, back, stomach and upper body are co-contracting to provide stability to all segments. These types of activities have a high carry over to daily activities like sitting in a chair, getting out of the car, ascending and descending stairs, jumping for a rebound or driving an opponent back in football.
Any exercise, if performed incorrectly, can result in injury. With squats, it is very important to keep the following key techniques in mind throughout the course of the exercise:
- Never use more weight than the athlete can handle.
- Always maintain a neutral pelvic position throughout the exercise and keep the abdominals tight – this is
often the limiting factor in how much weight an athlete can use.
- Never allow for a lateral shift to one side or the
other during the squat – this results in asymmetrical loading of the back,
hips, knees and ankles. This type
of loading pattern (seen in the example cited earlier in the section on
Repetitions to Substitution) increases stress to one side while reducing
the strength needed on the other.
It is imperative to watch for this compensatory strategy.
- Avoid letting the knees pass over the toes in the descent to the squat position – this adds shear stress to the patellafemoral joint. Although there might be slight anterior positioning of the knees to the toes this should be minimized with a proper hip hinge.
- Keep the feet shoulder width apart with your feet
slightly toed out – do not toe out too far due to the fact that this increases
shear stress in the sacroiliac joint.
- Never place plates under the feet – this shifts the weight
line forward adding increased stress to the spine and adding to tightness
of the gastrocnemius.
- Never allow the knees go in toward the mid-line
during ascent or decent. This is a
classic compensatory strategy for individuals with identifiable weakness
of the gluteus medius. Allowing the
athlete to continue doing this when squatting simply reinforces this
- Stop if at any time the athlete experiences back pain
and re-evaluate the squatting form.
If the pain is not eliminated, have the athlete evaluated by a
qualified health care professional before continuing with squats.
- Never progress to the next level until the most basic form of squat has been mastered.
Squat Neuromuscular Retraining (SNMR)
Our research indicates that 80% of athletes fail the Full Squat Test (FST) used in a movement assessment. This is despite the fact that many of them may be performing squats as a part of their regular exercise routine. Because of this alarming statistic, teaching the proper squatting motion is the essential first step before beginning or continuing a squatting routine. It is essential to development of maximal force production as well as preventing injury.
We define failing this test as a ≥1” lateral shift to either side of the mid line (as depicted in this Olympic athlete here). This lateral shift typically happens when an athlete is unaware of the proper mechanics involved in squatting, or when an athlete began squatting with poor mechanics that were never corrected. In the latter case, through years of training the athlete has reinforced poor (incorrect) motor plans and abnormal proprioception into the system. To this athlete, “off-center” movements feel normal. However these deficits result in significant asymmetries in the way the tissues bear the load, which results in asymmetrical strength gains and force production and an increased potential for injury. Although we describe this as a lateral shift, recent papers have described this motion as lateral displacement of the pelvis during the squatting motion. What these papers describe is for all intents and purposes a lateral shift.

perturbations. In this scenario, the athlete performs 20 full squats. during the 20 squats, we are not too concerned about the lateral shift that occurs during these 20 as we will address this in a moment. At the conclusion of the 20 reps, the athlete gets into a end range of motion squat with their hands out in front of them. The position of the arms is in full extension and the palms are palms are pressed together firmly to the point that they feel their pecs engaged. While remaining in the squatting position, you quickly position them into a neutral squatting position. Then you do perturbations throughout their entire kinetic chain including at the hips, knees, arms (in rotation and diagonal) all while avoiding anterior and posterior. The key with these perturbations is not to "break them" but rather to challenge them to the point just before failure. This is immediately followed by another 20 more reps and repeating of the perturbations. This can be done for 2 to 3 sets.
This is a very aggressive form of training but also a very effective form. One thing athletes will always tell you is that neutral position feels weird. This sense of weirdness comes from proprioceptors and a system that has been trained that an abnormal position is normal. Anything outside of that will feel odd. So, this training methodology takes several neural concepts into consideration. First is that proprioceptors fatigue. Second is that once in this fatigued state they can be re-trained by over stimulating the entire system with proprioceptive input (perturbations). If employed correctly AND if the athlete is doing this as a part of their home exercise program, this will be corrected in 2-3 visits. If not, then you should re-evaluate the "root cause" of the problem to determine if there is a better fit intervention.
Full Squats and Jump Squats
Performing full squats (to 90 degrees of flexion and higher) and jump squats are both considered more advanced routines and therefore maintaining “healthy” knee/hip alignment is essential during these activities. It is imperative to follow the repetitions to substitution concept described above when embarking on a routine that involves full squats and/or jump squats.
It is also absolutely vital that technique be a focus with these exercises. You are training for performance, muscle memory and motor planning. Bad training technique adds to decreased performance as well as weaknesses that can lead to injury. With squats, common tightness in many athletes can lead to the heels coming off of the floor and the knees protruding over the toes, particularly as the squat deepens. Training with this form can lead to tightness of the gastrocnemius and excessive shear stresses in the knee (patellofemoral joint). Therefore, it is essential to help the athlete keep the heels in contact with the floor throughout the exercise and the knees behind the toes at the end range of motion.

With the jump squat, weakness in the lumbopelvic region and ankles can again add to the knees to coming together at the mid-line. These weaknesses and improper form also add to a “hard” landing rather than a “soft” landing when jumping. Hard landing adds to decreased force attenuation (shock absorption) and increased stress to ligamentous structures. By bending the knees slightly at impact there is more shock attenuation, less force and therefore less fatigue with a corresponding reduced potential for injury.
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