Proprioceptive Training

, minor adjustments can be made in the motor plan in the primary motor cortex of the brain in order to move the body into the desired position.
Proprioception provides us with a sense of where our body is in space which is an essential component in preventing injury and improving athletic performance. Proprioception is something that can be learned, or re-learned, and is used extensively in rehabilitation settings to aid athletes in restoration of ability following injury. However, current research suggests that training of this sense prior to injury also aids athletes in building the awareness of the lower kinetic chain during athletic activities, thereby improving performance. Proprioceptive training is therefore an essential part of a program designed to aid in prevention of abnormal movement patterns or pathokinematics that can lead to injury and in improving overall athletic performance.

Let’s look at an example to illustrate this point. Vision is one way an athlete receives feedback about his or her current and desired body position. An easier form of an exercise, requiring less proprioception, is to allow the athlete to watch themselves in a mirror while performing the desired movement. As they progress in skill and endurance, you can have them do the exercise without the mirror (hence removing the visual input). This is a technique that is often employed with the Squat Neuromuscular Retraining (SNMR) exercise, which will be discussed in a later blog.
Another example is the sensation provided by receptors within the muscle spindle and joint space. Performing exercises on an unstable surface (a Theraband Stability Trainer) can make it more difficult for this feedback system to provide input to the brain about body position and proper mechanics. If combined with the removal of visual input, then a given exercise becomes increasingly difficult. That said, as with any exercise, it is vital to first master the easiest levels of a given exercise prior to progressing to the next level, and in this case before removing or limiting other sensory input.
The purpose of proprioceptive exercise in our program is for the professional to teach the athlete to use his/her body to perform large movements while maintaining “healthy” alignment of the lower extremity, for example not allowing excessive internal rotation with valgus stresses at the knee and hip. Considering the multiple senses involved, the athlete should start with one set of each exercise, performing the lowest number of repetitions recommended and slowly progress to 3 (or more as appropriate) sets of the highest repetitions recommended---using perfect form. Progression is dictated by the athlete’s ability to perform the exercise with a moderate amount of effort without any decomposition of technique.
A final note is that proprioception should be considered throughout the entire program, during every exercise, and as part of every progression. All too often we see professionals focus on proprioception during proprioceptive exercises and yet completely ignore it during dynamic stretches. The dynamic valgus occurring during these stretches simply reinforces poor movement. It is the proprioceptive sense that will enable the athlete to maintain the proper alignment of the lower limbs while performing many, if not all, of the exercises. When and if movements revert to pathokinematic patterns, then we suggest revisiting proprioceptive retraining techniques such as the use of visual input, verbal cuing and regression of exercise to re-learn proper positioning.
Concentric Training vs. Eccentric Training
According to Merriam-Webster’s Medical Dictionary, ( a concentric contraction is a type of muscle contraction in which the muscles shorten while generating force. During an eccentric contraction, the muscle elongates while under tension due to an opposing force being greater than the force generated by the muscle. Rather than working to pull a joint in the direction of the muscle contraction, the muscle acts to decelerate the joint at the end of a movement or otherwise control the repositioning of a load.

In sports, our muscles act in both a concentric and eccentric fashions and therefore must be trained in both ways. For example, when a basketball player is jumping for a jump shot, the quadriceps are functioning in a concentric fashion to generate enough force to produce a maximal vertical jump. On the other hand, when a pitcher is pitching, the biceps acts in an eccentric fashion during deceleration phase to slow the arm.
We also know that in order to prevent injuries, we should train muscles in the fashion or similar contraction type that is similar to how they sustain injuries. For example, sprinters often experience hamstring strains that occur during the eccentric phase (for the hamstring) of the running cycle. Therefore training which focuses on concentric training of the hamstrings is less effective than training that focuses on training the hamstrings in an eccentric fashion.
In our program, we will describe exercises as having a concentric, eccentric or both concentric and eccentric focus. The purpose is to train the muscles in the fashion that they perform during sport and to maximize the strength and power gains we achieve as a result. However, it should be noted that caution must be used when incorporating more eccentric training protocols into established routines that have not traditionally used them, as these can lead to additional and/or new muscle work, resulting in more muscle soreness and/or injury if over used, or used before the body has a chance to adapt. Close monitoring is required to ensure safety, proper form and to prevent overtraining.
Distal vs.
Proximal Training
In exercise terminology, when we refer to distal placement of a weight or distal movement, we mean the weight or movement referred to is “far away” from the pivotal point or center of gravity. When we use the word “proximal” we are referring to weight or movement that is closer to the joint, pivot point or center of gravity.
Closed Chain vs.
Open Chain Exercise
When we talk about ”open or closed
chain” exercises, we are referring to the kinetic chain of the body, which is
essentially the chain through which power is produced and off-loaded, resulting
in movement and force attenuation. Open
chain exercises are those in which a given body part is free to move during the
exercise as in a chest press, or leg extension.
These types of exercises usually isolate a single muscle, group or
joint. For example, during a leg
extension exercise, the knee and quadriceps are isolated. This type of exercise can be performed with
or without added weight, but when weight is added, it is usually added distally
(far away from the muscle group that is being isolated). In this example, weight would be added at the
ankle in order to maximally work the quadriceps in an open chain leg extension
exercise. Other types of open chain
exercises in the gym might be biceps curls, hamstring curls, lat pull-downs and
triceps kick-backs.
Closed chain exercises on the other hand are those that require your hands or feet to be in a fixed position during the exercise motion. The feet or hands are usually on the ground, but may also be fixed to a platform or other fixed machine or device. Closed chain exercises work many joints and muscles at the same time. An example of a closed chain exercise is the squat, which will be discussed in more detail later in this book. The squat involves the knee, hip, and ankle joints and many muscle groups including the hamstrings, gluteal group (gluteus maximus, gluteus minimus, and gluteus medius), the quadriceps, the calf muscles, the lower back and abdominal muscles. Different from open chain exercises, when additional weight is added to a closed chain exercise, it is placed in the proximal position, or closest to the center of gravity, where the core muscles can help control and move the weight safely. In the squat example, additional weight, if added, would be placed on the shoulders or the front of the chest, versus a distal or “far away” placement of the weight.

Closed chain exercises more closely mimic real life movements as opposed to open chain exercises. They are also usually safer for your joints, especially the knee, elbow and ankle. If you remember our earlier discussion regarding forces to the joints and ligaments, you can see that closed chain exercises cause “compressive” force to the joints, which strengthen them over time. Conversely, open chain exercises involve “shearing” forces, which stress the joint and can result in injury. Other examples of closed chain exercises besides the squat are pull-ups, push-ups, and lunges.
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