This week we will be looking at what is the impact of these
pathokinematics on the various links in the kinetic chain? To answer this question, let’s look in detail
at the influence various types of pathokinematic movement patterns have on
specific parts of the lower extremity, which for the purposes of this
discussion will include the following:
Foot and Ankle
Lower Leg
Lower Back and
Pathokinematics Impact on the Foot and Ankle:

The pathokinematics that we
typically see at the foot and ankle are often associated with pronation at the
foot and ankle. This can result in
abnormal force attenuation on the tissues of the foot and ankle, the effects of
which are significantly increased during high impact sports. This can lead to several problems including,
but not limited to:
1. Plantar
Fasciitis – the plantar fascia is a thick connective tissue which supports the
arch of the foot. Functionally, it
serves to support the arch and to absorb force at the foot as the foot comes
into contact with the ground. Plantar
fasciitis results from pathokinematics when the foot pronates excessively. This results in the medial arch of the foot
dropping more than it would normally or at a faster pace than normal. This causes a significant tensile stress to
the plantar fascia as well as a decrease in the amount of energy absorbed by
the structure, for which it is partially designed, potentially resulting in two
Excessive tensile stress over time can result in an
inflammatory response in the plantar fascia called plantar fasciitis.
Decreased energy absorbed here means that more force is
then absorbed higher in the kinetic chain, beginning at the calcaneous, ankle, and
moving to the knee, hip and lumbar spine.

3. Retrocalcaneal
bursitis – the retrocalcaneal bursa is a bursal sac that is between the
calcaneous and the Achilles tendon. Excessive
pronation, causes increased tensile stresses to the plantar fascia and wear and
tear on this bursal sac. Excessive
wearing over time can result in an inflammatory response which is referred to
as retrocalcaneal bursitis.
4. Achilles
tendonitis and tendinosis – the Achilles tendon is tendon that attaches the
gastrocnemius, soleus and plantaris muscles to the calcaneous. Excessive pronation of the foot can result in
excessive stress to the Achilles tendon resulting in tendonitis or tendinosis. This can also be the result of several other
conditions such as:
Increased force attenuation – due to the increased
pronation at the foot and a resulting decrease in force that is absorbed by the
plantar fascia, mid-foot and rear foot, the Achilles tendon is then exposed to
higher forces. Over time this can result
in tendonitis (inflammation of the tendon) or tendinosis (a long standing
problem where there is breakdown of the collagen, scar formation or calcification)
of the Achilles tendon.
Prolonged or worsening plantar fasciitis - the plantar
fascia is continuous with the Achilles tendon via the fascial sheath and as a
result, excessive stresses to the plantar fascia, prolonged and or worsening
plantar fasciitis can often result in Achilles tendonitis. The knowledge of this connection is often
used in treatment of plantar fasciitis.
Knowing this, if the toes are dorsiflexed, the plantar fascia tightens. If
a tensile force (stretch) is then generated in the Achilles tendon, it will
increase tensile strain in the plantar
fascia and vice versa.
Pain – pain
resulting from plantar fasciitis or retrocalcaneal bursitis (as the result of
excessive foot pronation) can result in compensatory movement or gait. These additional compensatory movements, in
themselves, can add to an already increased force attenuation at the Achilles
Consider a
case study for an in-depth look at the impact pathokinematics can have on the
foot and ankle. At left is a cheerleader who demonstrates a significant lateral
shift when squatting. At the end range
of motion of her squat, she loses control at both ankles, and excessively
pronates into pes planus. This is much more
evident on the right than the left in this photo. The athlete here is highly trained and very
fit, but complains of ankle pain, especially on the right with competition. She also complains of difficulty reaching
peak vertical height when jumping as a flyer.
Obviously, in cheerleading, this is an important measure of success
overall, and is critical for many specific cheerleading activities.
This individual also demonstrates a
significant lateral shift when descending (eccentric movement) as well as with
ascent (concentric movement) during the squatting motion, which is indicative
of decreased lumbopelvic proprioception.
If combined with adduction of the hip during single leg squat movements,
this can indicate gluteus medius weakness on one side. Since she demonstrates excessive pronation
bilaterally with squat and with a step up motion, we can also suspect weakness
in the musculature of the foot, ankle and lower leg. Weakness in this area can cause extreme pes planus
during these motions and add to the hip adduction we see in single leg
squatting motions. In this example it is
evident that the right is weaker than the left, secondary to the magnitude of
Because the ankle is a hinged
joint, it is designed to move the foot in
four primary directions: plantar flexion,
dorsiflexion, inversion, and eversion. When the foot is forced to pronate to
this degree, as in this example, there is a tremendous amount of stress on the tendons
and ligaments of the joint which serve to stabilize it in all three planes of
motion. These include the anterior
talofibular ligament and calcaneaofibular ligament as well as the peroneal
tendons, and the Achilles tendon. The gastrocnemius
and soleus calf muscles that attach at the ankle, as well as the calcaneus and
retrocalcaneal bursa are at risk as well.
So what kinds of injuries is this athlete
likely to incur? She certainly is at
risk for ankle sprains, stress fractures (shin splints) and fractures,
especially upon hard landings from jumps.
She is also subject to tendonitis or inflammation of the tendon, which
can occur in the Achilles tendon, the posterior tibial tendon, or the peroneal
tendon in this case. If tendonitis
occurs, especially in the Achilles tendon area and the athlete does not rest,
there is increased risk of the tendon rupturing or tearing, which usually
requires surgery to repair. Other
possible injuries this athlete could sustain include breaks to the metatarsal
bones (toes), the calcaneous (heel bone) or lateral or medial maleolus, or
tearing and/or inflammation of the plantar fascia. Because of the loss of kinetic energy across
the system, and the associated adduction of the knee in a closed kinetic chain, this athlete could also be more
susceptible to injuries of the ACL and medial and lateral meniscus at the knee
which have to work harder due to an unstable surface at the foot and
As noted before, this athlete will be
limited on peak vertical height when jumping as long as the kinetic chain is
interrupted in this fashion, and energy is absorbed at the ankle instead of
passing through the foot to the ground upon take off. Her endurance will be similarly limited because
of a lack of symmetrical strength in the lower extremity and the greater force
that is required to obtain heights that would normally not take as much force. Her ability to participate effectively in
stunts that require jumping and bounding motions is therefore compromised.
Next week we will look at the impact these movements have on the knee. If you like what you read the biggest compliment you can give to us is to share the passion. Follow us on Twitter @ACL_prevention or on Facebook at Athletic Therapy Services. Remember #MoveRight, last longer and perform better!
Dr. Nessler is a practicing
physical therapist with over 17 years sports medicine clinical experience and a
nationally recognized expert in the area of athletic movement assessment. He is the developer of an athletic
biomechanical analysis and author of a college textbook on this subject. He serves as the National Director of Sports
Medicine for Physiotherapy Associates, is a Safety Council Member for USA Cheer
National Safety Council and associate editor of the International Journal of
Athletic Therapy and Training.
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