In this blog series, we will look at
several common pathokinematic movement patterns seen in athletes and discuss
the influence these have on joints, ligaments and muscles. We will also review a few of the more
commonly seen injuries that can result from these abnormal movement patterns in
the lower extremity and touch on a few related performance issues that can also
arise when pathokinematics are present and the kinetic chain is compromised.
To give an overview in order to begin
this discussion, let’s look at one of our previous examples. This athlete, photographed as she jumps in a
forward direction demonstrates several severe forms of irregular or
pathokinematic movement patterns: hip
adduction, internal femoral rotation of the hip, genu valgum at the knee and
bilateral “toeing in.” Although this
case is extreme, it is not completely abnormal to see these types of movement
patterns, although perhaps to a lesser degree, in a competitive athlete such as
this one. The research has shown that
these types of movement patterns are highly associated with increased stress to
the hips and to the knee (in particular the ACL). Even the casual observer can see how there
would be increased stress to both ankles, both feet (plantar fascia in particular)
and the lower back as well. Specifically, this athlete is at risk for a
number of common athletic injuries.
Based on her movements alone, she has increased stress to the:
- Big toe – increased stress to the 1st metatarsal
with increased load to the bone when landing which could result in bone
- Plantar fascia – with this landing position of the
foot, there is considerable stress to the plantar fascia which can result
in plantar fasciitis
- Knee - with rotation and valgus stress at the knee
there is increased stress to the ACL, the meniscus within the joint, the
lateral illiotibial band insertion and patellofemoral joint, which can
result in ACL tears, meniscal tears and illiotibial (IT) Band Friction
- Hip – the internally rotated position of the hip increases
stress to the labrum, femoral head and trochanteric bursa, which could
result in labral tears, stress fractures and trochanteric bursitis
- Lower back – with excessive movement in the spine and
the adducted position of the hip, much greater stress is exerted on the
sacroiliac joint and the L5/S1 vertebra, which could add to S1 joint pain,
and to wearing of the L5/S1 intervertebral disc and facet joints.
Why would this be so if these are
the established patterns of movement for this individual? Pathokinematic movement patterns such as
those in this example result in forces being distributed throughout the system or
along the kinetic chain, in an abnormal fashion—in other words, in a way that
is different from the way the system was designed
to absorb force. We refer to this as abnormal force attenuation and over time
abnormal force attenuation can lead to various injuries along the kinetic chain,
all the way from the foot and ankle up the chain to the lumbar spine. Attenuation is defined in this case as the
gradual loss and ultimately the extinction
of energy (force) as it travels through a medium, in this case the lower
extremity of the human body.
Much like a car is designed to have
optimal performance when the weight distribution is equal across all four
tires, the human body is designed to perform optimally when it absorbs force equally
at the two places it touches the ground—at the feet. This enables the structures of the body to
equally distribute and put those forces to use for efficient movement with the
least amount of destructive stress placed on the muscles, joints, ligaments and
tendons of the body.
In the human body, during movement
and in sports, loading variations from the “optimal position” can and do occur
under certain circumstances. This is common
and, through proper conditioning, injuries can be avoided during high load or
force situations. However, if loading
variations that distribute force unequally across the lower extremity become
the norm or the predominant way the
tissues are loaded over time, structural imbalances can occur that create wear
and tear on the structures of the body and can lead to injury.
Injuries occur when the breakdown
of tissues (from abnormal loading in this case) outpaces the body’s ability to
repair those tissues. Looking at this
more closely, when force is distributed in an abnormal fashion a majority of the time, especially under
high impact loads or forces, the body’s or tissue’s ability to respond quickly
to and resist breakdown is compromised.
Using the analogy of the car, if your tires are low on one side for a
short period of time, then the vehicle and tires usually sustain no damage. When you fill them up to optimal air pressure,
weight distribution is restored to normal and there is no damage done. But, if your tires remain low on one side for
a long time, then irreversible damage can be done to the tires, the shocks, the
axle, etc. Because the human body is a
living organism, which is constantly adapting to environmental stresses and
repairing itself, it can often resist abnormal forces for many years prior to
showing the signs or symptoms of injury.
This is why in so many cases abnormal movement patterns are not noticed until
after serious injury has already occurred.

This can also be true with some of
the other pathokinematics that we discuss.
For example, many times we see patients or athletes who have developed a
lateral shift with a squatting motion.
This compensatory movement can be the result of the individual
attempting to move away from the side the pain is on but still accomplish the
movement. For example, if an athlete has
pain in the right knee with squatting greater than 60 degrees, then he or she
may demonstrate a left lateral shift when squatting to 80 degrees of knee
flexion. This allows him or her to
accomplish the motion but at the same time avoid pain in the right knee. Once the pain is resolved, the lateral shift
often corrects itself, without the need for further intervention.
However, in some cases, these types
of pathokinematic movement patterns will not self correct when the source of
pain is addressed. If in fact, they do
not and the athlete carries the same pathokinematic movement patterns over to
daily and/or athletic activities once the pain issue is resolved, then we can
say that this movement pattern is likely no longer simply a compensatory
strategy to avoid pain. This movement
pattern, or the “motor plan” that results in certain ways of moving, is the
result of changes within the primary motor cortex. In other words, the abnormal movement, over
time, has resulted in a motor program which has become ingrained in the primary
motor cortex and is the primary program to which the brain reverts in order to
generate this particular movement whenever it is needed.
Therefore the lateral shift during a
squatting motion can become the “natural” program which the brain uses for all
subsequent squatting motions. Despite
the decreased efficiency of such a movement and the abnormal force attenuation
that it will impart to the tissues, it will remain the primary program the
brain will use unless it is re-trained otherwise. The program must essentially be “re-written”
in some way, rehearsed and relearned over time.
So, much like the baseball pitcher who has developed poor throwing
habits that we talked about in an earlier chapter, poor movement patterns like
these must be retrained in order to be permanently corrected. Just like correcting a pitcher’s pitch, new
movement patterns, once relearned, must be reinforced over and over again in
order to “reprogram” the brain to automatically move in this way when required.
Although some of the
pathokinematics we describe result from compensatory movement to avoid pain or
weakness, or are movements that have become programmed in the primary motor
cortex over time for some reason, there some pathokinematic movement patterns which
do not fall into either of these categories.
For example, the hip adduction and internal rotation that occurs with
jump stops or single leg squats are not the result of compensatory
strategies. Since these movements result
in abnormal stresses to tissues (such as the shear stress to the ACL or
meniscus during jump stops) and are more likely to cause pain as opposed to relieving
pain if present, then these are more likely the result of other factors.
In many cases, these types of
movements are the result of many factors in combination such as muscle weakness,
or tightness, poor proprioception or the development of poor movement habits
(perhaps due to pain, injury or improper instruction) earlier in their
career. If these movement patterns are
never addressed and corrected, then they will continue and eventually become
part of the primary motor plan as well.
Over time, this can result in even greater asymmetries in strength, continued
or increasingly abnormal recruitment patterns (sequence by which muscles are
activated) and an even higher increased risk for injury. Regardless of the causative factors, if not
corrected, pathokinematics ultimately result in abnormal force attenuation
throughout the kinetic chain. This will
break down the structures of the body and can lead to pain or injury, which
then can lead to additional or more exaggerated pathokinematic movement
patterns. Ultimately, this order of
events can eventually become part of a “vicious cycle” leading to additional
pain/injury, even more avoidance-related movement patterns, and new and more
widespread weaknesses.
Next week we will continue this discussion by looking at the impact this has on common athletic injuries of the lower kinetic chain. If you like what you read, the biggest compliment you can give us is sharing the passion. Follow us on twitter @ACL_prevention or follow us on Facebook at Athletic Therapy Services. Remember, #MoveRight and last longer and perform better.
Dr. Nessler is a practicing
physical therapist with over 17 years sports medicine clinical experience and a
nationally recognized expert in the area of athletic movement assessment. He is the developer of an athletic
biomechanical analysis and author of a college textbook on this subject. He serves as the National Director of Sports
Medicine for Physiotherapy Associates, is a Safety Council Member for USA Cheer
National Safety Council and associate editor of the International Journal of
Athletic Therapy and Training.
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