Adduction in the frontal plane is bad! That
is demonstrated here in an NFL player doing vertical jump test. You can clearly see his knees going in. This is directly correlated to adduction
moment which puts a lot of stress on the ACL.
If you don’t assess adduction in the frontal plane, how can you possibly
know risk and address? Case in point, this
particular athlete had a movement assessment and scored a 17 (minimal
risk). It does not take a PhD to see
this player is clearly at risk. So are
we truly assessing risk if we are not measuring this?

Core & hip strength play a vital role in
stability of the limb during single leg motions. Lack
of stability at the hip and core result in the femur moving into an adducted
position under loads. Higher the load,
the higher the adduction. That is
demonstrated here with our high school dancer.
She has a tremendous amount of hip/core weakness which results in
complete instability of the lower limb during single limb activity. With higher load activities, these mechanics
would increase in their magnitude and result in increased risk of injury and
performance issues.

A lateral shift during the squatting motion
alters limb loading and force production. Altering the loading of the
limb results in more wear and tear on one side versus the other and alters
strength production on one side versus the other. That is demonstrated here with the high
school football player doing squats.
This motion done without loading (as in training) significantly alters
the loading through the limbs, alters the quad/hamstring development and significantly
impacts injury risk and performance.

Fatigue impacts movement. Sports
is physical in nature! If the test we
use is not physical in nature we will NOT see where the deficits are. We don’t want to look at how they look at
going on the field, we want to see how they look during the 2nd half
when injuries are more likely to occur and when performance issues impact team
performance. That is demonstrated here
with this Olympic athlete who looks great in short isolated movements but once
fatigue sets in he starts to fall apart.
Working him at a higher level you see where his system falls apart,
where his risk is and where his performance can improve. As an Olympic athlete, he scored a 15 on the
movement assessment used by team yet he has a tremendous difficulty stabilizing
in single limb.
First and foremost, you have to assess motion! You have no way of knowing if you are
improving motion if you do not assess and “quantify” movement. No matter how hard you train, what functional
exercises you do, if you don’t quantify movement you will never know if you are
improving movement. Quantifying movement
is the ultimate in accountability measures.
If you think your training changes movement, prove it by comparing
pre/post intervention. If your
interventions change movement, you will see it reflected in the test. BUT, the way you measure movement has to be
reflective of movement represented in the research and in sport. We know what movements have an impact on
injury risk and performance. We know the
one’s proven to have a direct impact! Those
are the ones we must assess. To not
assess and quantify does a disservice to both the athlete and the
organization. When you assess movement,
it must take into consideration the factors above. Movement assessment needs to:
adduction in the frontal plane
single limb performance
and compare single limb performance to the contralateral side
lateral shift of the pelvis during the squatting motion
Be physically
Is there a way to simplify it all? Yes! In
the coming months there will be the release of an advanced 3D technology that
will be available in rehab centers, pre-participation physicals, fitness and
performance centers and retail centers that accurately assesses and quantifies
movement. A technology that uses the
latest movement capture systems to automate and quantify all the above and which
will provide you with the solution (what is the root cause of the movement and
how do you change with training).
Movement is complex but the solution to
movement dysfunction is not. There is an
answer and it is on the horizon! Protect
future joint health, protect future performance and protect future scholarship and
life opportunities.
Athletes to Perform…Build Athletes to Last!™
the author: Trent Nessler, PT, DPT, MPT is
CEO of A.C.L., LLC and is a practicing physical therapist with 15 years in
sports medicine and orthopedics. He has masters in physical therapy and doctorate
with focus in biomechanics and motor learning. He is the founder/developer of
the Dynamic Movement Assessment™,
Fatigue Dynamic Movement Assessment™ and author of a textbook “Dynamic
Movement Assessment™: Prevent Injury and Enhance Performance”. Trent is
also associate editor of the International Journal of Athletic Therapy and
Training and Member of the USA Cheer Safety Council. For more information, please see our website
at www.aclprogram.com.
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