We also know from the research that the inability to squat
is the number one cause of falls in the elderly, which often leads to broken
hips and many other co-morbidities in aging adults. We know that the squat speaks to the strength
of the core, including the lumbar spine and hips. Improving an athlete’s ability
to squat has a direct impact on his or her ability to run, jump, land and lunge
safely. We also know that improving an
athlete’s squatting mechanics has a direct impact on injury rates and
performance output. Studies
show that we can increase vertical jump height and running speed measured by
the 10 yard split and 40 yard dash by targeting and improving the mechanics and
thereby, the efficiency of an athlete’s squat is critical.
These are but some of the reasons the squat is the first
exercise we typically address. Because the squat is
the “core” of so many of the exercises in a corrective exercise program, it is important to master before
progressing to other more advanced isolation exercises. Furthermore, if time is limited, as it so
often is when training is intense or the season is live, the squat progression
will give the athlete the most “bang for the buck” for time spent in the
gym. More details on the squat and how
to get started follow in the paragraphs below.
The second most important exercise series in the corrective program is the Lumbar Hip Disassociation Exercise Series. Again, the ability to disassociate hip flexion from spinal flexion is “key” to many sports activities as well as other activities of daily living. Therefore, we believe the Lumbar Hip Disassociation Exercise Series is a foundational series upon which all other exercises in a program are built, and therefore is a starting point for the progression of the a corrective exercise program. Ultimately, these exercises will drastically improve the athlete’s movement patterns, improve overall athletic performance and reduce the likelihood of certain types of lower extremity injuries, specifically those involving the lower back, hip, knee, and foot/ankle when prescribed and conducted properly. These two in particular set the athlete up for safe and successful entrance into the rest of the Corrective Exercise Program.
This section will provide you with instruction in these
beginning stages of The Corrective
Exercise Progression, beginning with a basic overview of how to get
started and then going into detail on squats and the lumbar hip disassociation
exercise series and more on why they are important:
Squat Progression
i. Squat
ii. Rapid
iii. Controlled
Squats with Weight
Lumbar Hip Disassociation Exercise Series
i. Prep
ii. Single
Leg Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) with Hip Flexion
iii. Single
Leg with Dynamic Lower Extremity Movement
iv. Modified
Dead Lift
The Corrective
Exercise Progression: Each
exercise in the CEP progresses from one level to the next. However, it should be noted that throughout
the progression, we will refer to the concept of “progression within a
progression.” This is simply a way to
progress an exercise from one level of difficulty to the next without moving to
the next prescribed level. This is a
concept that can be utilized when an athlete is not quite ready to progress to
the next level but does require something more difficult than what the current
level requires. This can be as simple as adding resistance, increasing the number
of repetitions, decreasing rest time between sets, decreasing stability of the
surface or using super sets.
So, now you are undoubtedly wondering where to start and the
answer to this question is the key to this entire program. Starting off with a solid foundation will
either make or break success in correcting pathokinematics. The movement assessment is designed to assess individual
weaknesses and tightness and everyone will not be the same. However, a large majority
of the athletes that we have tested over the years benefit from a foundation
starting with several simple exercises up front. So, remember when working through these
beginning exercises the phrase:
Poor technique = poor motor planning =
poor performance
With this in mind, we want to attempt to correct any poorly
executed core movements from training day one.
Training day one is typically, in a rehabilitation setting, done on the
same day as the initial evaluation. In a
performance setting, however, we are often more limited on time, so this may
actually be on a separate day and consume the majority of the first training
session. No matter what setting, the
sequence laid out here will aid in correcting core movements that show signs of
weakness or tightness that could lead to pathokinematic movement patterns
during the exercise progression, and during sport.
Squat Progression:
Strength, endurance and co-contraction of the quadriceps and
hamstrings are essential for maximal performance and injury prevention. The one exercise that has been “proven” in
the research to improve vertical jump and aid in creating co-contraction is the
squat. Performing full squats, would be
considered more advanced exercises and therefore maintaining “healthy” knee/hip
alignment is essential. Therefore during
the squat progression, it is imperative to follow the repetition to
substitution concept very closely. These
exercises may also be performed as supersets.

Another vital concept related to the proper performance of
the squatting exercise is to ensure proper kinematics and lumbopelivc control
throughout the course of the exercise.
Making sure the knees do not progress over the toes will reduce any adverse
shearing stresses imparted to the patellofemoral joint and hence reduce the
potential for knee pain (squatter’s knee) from occurring with this
exercise. It is also essential for
proper core stabilization to occur (keeping abdominals tight) throughout the
course of the exercise in order to prevent excessive spinal extension or
flexion. Doing these things will reduce the
extent of abnormal forces that can be imparted to the lumbar spine and thereby
reduce potential for back pain sometimes associated with this more aggressive
Our research indicates that in fact 80% of athletes
fail the full squat test. This is
despite the fact that many of them may be performing squats as a part of their
regular exercise routine. Failing this
test is defined as ≥1” lateral shift. A
lateral shift typically results when an athlete who began squatting with poor
mechanics was never corrected. Through
years of training, they have reinforced poor motor plans and abnormal
proprioception into the system. To the
athlete, this feels normal, however these deficits result in significant
asymmetries in load bearing of the tissues and asymmetrical strength gains as
well as force production. Therefore, if
an athlete fails the Full Squat Test, they must perfect the Squat Neuromuscular
Retraining (SNMR) prior to proceeding to any of the squatting motion exercises
that follow here. If an athlete does not
perfect this test, then we will simply be training or reinforcing bad movement
patterns or poor motor planning. The
SNMR is explained in depth below. Again,
Poor technique = poor motor planning =
poor performance
Squat NMR (Neuromuscular Retraining):
Teaching proper squatting motion is essential first step
prior to progressing into the squatting routine as we said above. It is essential to development of maximal
force production while preventing injury and thus the reason the SNMR exercise
is so essential. The SNMR is an exercise
used for retraining squat for the lateral shift prior to performing any squat
training routine or progression. It will
be the base upon which most of our exercises will be developed.
When correcting a lateral shift, one of the common things an athlete will state is that the "correct position" feels weird. This sensation comes from proprioceptors throughout the lower kinetic chain giving the sensation of this changed position. Since that is the position that was trained, then it will feel different or "weird". This technique takes into account the fatigue literature to add in overriding this system and "re-setting the system" to the correct position.
- Have the subject perform 20 squats through their full range of motion.
- At the conclusion of the 20th squat, have them get into a squat sit position (end rom of motion of their squat) and hold that position with their hands out in front of them and palms pressed together.
- Prior to beginning the perturbations, move their hips into a neutral position if they are in a lateral shift. When in the neutral position, perform light perturbations through their hips, knees, arms in rotation, and shoulders. Do this at a rapid pace but not hard enough that they are not able to maintain proper position. Perform this for 10 seconds.
- Perform 20 more squats through their full range of motion.
- Repeat the perturbation protocol as above.

This exercise series is TYPICALLY performed 2-3 times before
the subject is able to squat without lateral shift, without cueing. This should be a part of any home exercise
program as well, having the athlete perform 3-4 sets of 20 reps with 5-10
second holds in the squat sit position.
If they are unable to squat to increasingly lower levels
without the shift, progress the time at the higher level squat without the
shift with attempts made at each session to progress toward a 90 degree or
greater squat without any shift off of the midline. The SNMR will typically consume approximately
10-15 minutes of a session.
Dr. Nessler is a practicing physical therapist with over 17 years sports medicine clinical experience and a nationally recognized expert in the area of athletic movement assessment. He is the developer of an athletic biomechanical analysis and author of a college textbook on this subject. He serves as the National Director of Sports Medicine for Physiotherapy Associates, is Chairman of Medical Services for the International Obstacle Racing Federation and associate editor of the International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training.
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