It is our responsibility to assist coaches, athletes, parents and health care providers understand how the mechanics pictured here not only put this athlete's ACL, patellofemoral joint, ankle and hip at risk, but how this also impacts her athletic performance. For many of us, we can see how these movements add to risk in these joints and/or regions. When we look at this with a critical eye, we can also see how these same movements lead to loss of kinetic energy across the system which equates not only to loss of power output (decreased vertical jump) but also decreased efficiency of movement. The net result is a slower and less agile athlete with decreased ability to get to the ball and perform at their optimal potential. So although our motivation is to help athletes avoid injury, the message we should tout to our coaches and athletes is the performance benefit that is gained when these movements are addressed.
So how do we put together a program that does that? First we have to have a program that is based on the latest in movement science research. To be truly impactful on risk and performance we need three things:
- Program that addresses movement based on the current
- Program that is laid out efficiently to improve
effectiveness and compliance
- Program that is standard so can be easily scaled with
similar results
To have a program that addresses the movement based on the
current literature it must include:
- Lower limb proprioception training– Hewett et al J Orth Res 16
- Single limb performance training – Myers et al Am J Sport Med 2012
- Training to improve limb symmetry – Rohman et al Am J Sport Med 2015
- Training to reduce lateral movement of pelvis in
squatting – Atkins et al J Strength Con 2013
- Training to improve core performance – Frank et al Am J Sport Med 2013
- Training that emphasizes control of speed and magnitude of knee frontal plane motion during single limb training - Stearns et al Am J Sport Med 2014
- Training to improve endurance in single limb
performance – Brazen et al Clin J Sport Med 2010
Once we have a program that addresses all the movement
factors associated with risk, it has to be laid out in a way that improves
effectiveness and compliance. To do that, the program must:
- Include fatigue state training – Hewett et al J Ortho Res 2016
- Be no longer than 20 minutes in duration – Soomro et al Am J Sport Med 2015
In order for a program to be scalable with similar outcomes,
it has to have ease of availability, standardized progression and standardized
instruction. As such, each ACL Play It Safe Program comes with:
- Standardized equipment
- Standardized progressive program (with four levels of
- Standardized instruction (provided via written instructions include and an app or similar technology)
The ACL epidemic continues to impact the lives of thousands
of athletes. If we can develop intervention strategies that impact performance and risk and which can be implemented efficiently with consistency in outcome, then we will truly impact this epidemic.
Dr. Nessler is a practicing physical therapist with over 17 years sports medicine clinical experience and a nationally recognized expert in the area of athletic movement assessment. He is the developer of an athletic biomechanical analysis, is an author of a college textbook on this subject and has performed >3000 athletic movement assessments. He serves as the National Director of Sports Medicine Innovation for Select Medical, is Chairman of Medical Services for the International Obstacle Racing Federation and associate editor of the International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training.
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