Last week, we concluded our
discussion talking about a recent study by Boren et al
where they looked at MVC of gluteus medius and maximus for various exercises
commonly used to strengthen the hip and increase stability in single limb
As a recap, what was found
was five of the exercises produced greater than 70% MVC of the gluteus medius
muscle. These were:
- Side plank abduction with dominate leg on the bottom – 103% of MVC
- Side plank abduction with dominant leg on top – 89% MVC
- Single leg squat – 82% MVC
- Clamshell progression #4 – 77% MVC
- Front plank with hip extension – 75% MVC
Five of the exercises
produced greater than 70% MVC for the gluteus maximus muscle. These were:
- Front plank with hip extension – 106% MVC
- Gluteal squeeze – 81% MVC
- Side plank abduction with dominate leg on top – 73% MVC
- Side plank abduction with dominate leg on bottom – 71% MVC
- Single leg squat – 71% MVC

When looking at the single
limb squat motion picture here, according to the study, this has both high MVC
of the gluteus medius and maximus. This
is also an exercise performed in upright full weight bearing postures. But, is this position similar to that of
sport? If you compare this position to
that of sprinting, is there a way we could do this same exercise that closer
represents a true sprint position? If
you look at the epidemiology and video studies looking at mechanisms of injury related
to non-contact ACL injuries what you typically find is rupture occurring in more
of a landing position with the contralateral limb in either extension or slight
extension and abduction. So, although
this is a great starting point, is this the end point?
Again this goes back to the
initial discussion. What we are
discussing here is not taking the data simply as is. Rather, we are taking the most current
literature and applying practical application and knowledge to that. But one KEY factor here. Throughout this discussion, the practical
application is back up with solid science as the foundation of why we make the
modifications that we do.
To dive into this discussion
a little bit further, lets look at single limb symmetry. We mentioned previously that studies indicate
that asymmetry in single limb performance or movement is an indicator of
risk. Clinically we have known this and
the research has started to prove and look at this a little more in depth in the
last 5-6 years. One measure of this that
has come out recently is what is defined as the Limb Symmetry Index (LSI). The LSI is a comparison of the injured limbs
performance to the uninjured limbs performance on a battery of single limb
activities. One recent study clearly
shows this. In 2015, Rohman et al looked at
single limb performance as a measure or indicator for an athletes ability to
return safely to sport.
Methods: Retrospective case series
of 122 patients who underwent ACL reconstruction and who received postoperative
Standard Functional Tests (SFTs). 10 of
the 12 individuals tests within the SFT were analyzed for change in limb
symmetry index (LSI) and absolute function in each limb.
Results: In all athletes, involved limb performance increase in all
tests. LSI significantly improved in 6
tests with 5 of the 5 of the tests which showder initial LSI below 90%. These tests were: single leg squat, retro
step up, single leg hop, crossover triple hop, and timed hop. Retro step up and single leg hop showed LSI
improvements greater than 10%.
Discussion: As impressive and
exciting as these results are, there is one thing that must be considered when
reading through the results. Does improvement
in the LSI scores result in decreased risk of re injury, improved performance
and improved short and long term outcome.
The easy answer and logical answer would be yes. But, that is not what this study showed. There was not a retrospective analysis of re-injury rates, comparison of pre-injury performance to post injury
performance measures nor comparison of short and long term outcome
measures. What we
can conclude based on previous studies is that we know improvement in the LSI
does reduce risk. How much, that we do
not know. We also know that improve
symmetry (not LSI) does result in improved sprint speed and vertical jump. Does improvement in LSI (as measured here) also
improve sprint speed and vertical jump?
That we don’t know. Finally, we
know that lack of symmetry adds to increased risk of osteoarthritis later in
life and more patella-femoral pain syndrome.
Does improvement in LSI also equate to those same improvements? That we don’t know.
So, based on these last 2
blogs, what do we know? We know some
great exercises that will aid in improving strength of the gluteus medius and
maximus. We also know we should consider
progressions which bring athletes into more upright, sport specific postures. We also know that there are ways to quantify
and express single limb symmetry, Limb Symmetry Index (LSI). We also know that if we can improve the
stability during these testing positions, then we can improve LSI and
potentially reduce risk. So, this would
tell us that we need to train to improve performance on these tests.
As basic as it sounds, to
truly change movement, we must change the way that we think. And although it is not 100% data driven, it
is 150% science driven. Move better,
feel better, perform better and last longer.
That simple. If you like what you see, SHARE THE
PASSION! It is the biggest compliment you can give. Follow us on
Twitter @ACL_prevention and tweet about it. #MovingToChangeMovement and
help us spread the passion.
Trent Nessler, PT, MPT, DPT: Physical Therapist | Author | Educator |Innovator in Movement
Science and Technology. Dr. Nessler is a physical therapist and owner
of Athletic Therapy Services. He serves as a practicing clinician
and movement change consultant for practices and organizations looking to
develop injury prevention initiatives and strategies. He has been researching and developing
movement assessments and technologies for >10 years is the author of the
textbook Dynamic Movement Assessment: Enhance Performance and Prevent Injury, and
associate editor for International Journal of Athletic Therapy &
Training. You can contact him
directly at
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