The intent of our blogs is to
present the most current research and provide us with how we might interpret
this in application of what we do as health care providers, coaches or
performance specialists. It is one
person’s opinion and as we all know there are multiple ways to interpret the
literature. The intent is to use
research to question some of the conventional wisdom. For someone to simply do things the way we
always have because it works is not innovation.
What if we could use the research to tweak what we do to make it that
much better? There is a fine line
between research and what can be practically applied in the clinic or
field. But true leaders and innovators
are constantly striving to do that. Take
what we know from the research and find innovative ways to apply that to what
we do in the clinic or on the field for even superior results.
The reality is that injuries
impact future performance. In 2012, McCullough et al found
that only 43% of high school athletes who had an ACL reconstruction returned to
their prior level of performance. In 2014, Rugg et al found that
Division I athletes who suffered a knee injury prior to their Division I
athletic career were at higher risk of re-injury, spent more days on the
disabled list and cost the university more in health care dollars during their
Division I athletic career. So, iIs that
necessarily a performance issue? Heck
yeah! If I recruit a star player who has
had a previous knee injury and he is on the sidelines 50% more of the time and
injured, then he is not adding to my team’s performance.

So what is the take home from
this. One is that we simply have to get
better at preventing the injuries! We
will talk about that in a minute. But
the second point is we need to address the psychology of the athlete early in
the process. One key take away is the
role of the rehab provider in psychologically preparing the athlete and
providing them the sport locus control.
If you are not personally vested in assisting the athlete achieving
success, if you approach it with apathy, then you are doing the athlete a
serious disservice. Your psychological
state has a direct and profound impact on the athlete. As a provider, our role is as an educator and
coach, with emphasis in this case on coach.
Coaching is not passive. It is
methodical in approach, motivational, inspirational and purposefully driven to
the end goal all while also being empathetic
to the athlete. Empathy does not mean
baby the athlete but relate to the athlete! If done right, it also gives the athlete the
sport locus control. Making sure they
know they have a responsibility and active role in the process and it takes
hard work, persistence and determination, but at the end of the day, they can
and will control their destiny.
Next week, we will continue
this discussion. If you like what you
see, please SHARE THE PASSION! It is the biggest compliment you can
give. Follow us on Twitter @ACL_prevention and tweet about it. #MovingToChangeMovement
and help us spread the passion.
Trent Nessler, PT, MPT, DPT: Physical Therapist | Author | Educator |Innovator in Movement
Science and Technology. Dr. Nessler is a physical therapist and owner
of Athletic Therapy Services. He serves as a practicing clinician
and movement change consultant for practices and organizations looking to
develop injury prevention initiatives and strategies. He has been researching and developing
movement assessments and technologies for >10 years is the author of the
textbook Dynamic Movement Assessment: Enhance Performance and Prevent
Injury, and associate editor for International Journal of
Athletic Therapy & Training. You
can contact him directly at drtrent.nessler@gmail.com
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